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Author Guidelines

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Originality and Publication Ethics

By submitting to IJTVET, authors confirm that their manuscript is original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere. Any non-original concepts or language must be properly cited.

Repeated publication of the same study is unethical and can lead to rejection or retraction.

Research Integrity

Articles must provide a detailed, accurate account of the research and its significance. False results or misleading claims are unethical and may result in rejection or withdrawal.

Authors should provide comprehensive descriptions and references to allow replication of the study.

Declaration of Conflicts and Financial Support

Authors must disclose any commercial interests related to their research at the beginning of the article and provide details of any financial support received.

Copyright and Permissions

Once accepted, the article will be published under a Creative Commons "Attribution 4.0 International" license, allowing others to reproduce, distribute, and display the work with proper attribution.

Authors must obtain permission to include any non-original images or artwork. They must inform the copyright holder that the content will be available online under the same Creative Commons license.

Authorship and Contributions

Authors should be listed according to their contributions, and only those with substantial contributions should be acknowledged as authors.

Minor contributors should be recognised in the "Acknowledgements" section after the article.

The corresponding author ensures all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript.

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors has detailed guidelines on authorship that are useful for scientists in all fields: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Corrections and Retractions

If authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their published article, they must promptly notify the editors to correct or withdraw the article.

Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest

Confidential information obtained through peer review must not be used for personal gain.

Reviewers should avoid evaluating manuscripts with a conflict of interest, including personal or professional affiliations with the authors.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author will be charged MYR 100 for processing fee.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format written in English.
  • Maximum pages must not exceed 12 pages including references
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All URLs provided in the references list should be retriveable.
  • All comments provided by reviewers must be corrected accordingly.
  • Authors assign their articles' copyright and publication rights to the International Journal of Technical Vocational and Engineering Technology (IJTVET).

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Editors and reviewers are required to treat all submitted manuscripts in strict confidence. The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.