A Preliminary Study On Leveraging Utmost Social Media For Collaborative Learning

  • Nurul Dafiqah Kamarulzaman Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah
  • Zuliya Aini Ahmad Tarmizi Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah
  • Rosmanizah Derahman Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah
Keywords: social media, collaborative learning, academic performance, TVET institutions, teaching and learning


With the advancement of technology, social media is increasingly being used to deliver learning activities. Tertiary students have a new means to socialize, communicate, and interact with others through social media in educational institutions' learning processes. Therefore, changing the teaching lifestyle is critical for assisting students achieve strong academic success while adapting to technology. This study examines the impact of using social media through collaborative learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. In the context of this study, social media platforms refer to the utmost social networks used by Malaysians, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube as reported in the Digital 2023 Global Overview Report. This study emphasized quantitative research methodology. An online survey and a self-administered questionnaire with 31 items adopted from a previous study were used to collect data. 162 tertiary students from The Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah have completed the survey forms via purposive and snowball sampling. In this case, the sample criteria were defined as a Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah student who had experience using social media as a learning tool. The IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) performed descriptive analysis. The findings revealed adopting social media improves interactivity with peers and lecturers, engagement, and student academic performance. This study gave distinctive and interesting perspectives on using social media through collaborative learning, which can assist students and TVET institutions in achieving their learning objectives. 


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How to Cite
Kamarulzaman, N. D., Ahmad Tarmizi, Z. A., & Derahman, R. (2024). A Preliminary Study On Leveraging Utmost Social Media For Collaborative Learning. International Journal Of Technical Vocational And Engineering Technology, 5(1), 26-35. Retrieved from https://journal.pktm.com.my/index.php/ijtvet/article/view/104