Student’s Perception of Virtual Gallery Walk (VR-InToWeb) in a Web Design Technology Course at Politeknik Balik Pulau

  • Wan Haniza Wan Hassim Politeknik Balik Pulau
  • Nurhani Mohd Sabri Politeknik Balik Pulau
  • Liyana Mat Rani Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin
Keywords: ArtStep 3D platform, Web Environment, Virtual Gallery Walk


Purpose: The Web Design Technology course is a specialization course taken by students of Diploma in Information Technology (Digital Technology) at Polytechnic Malaysia. Topic 1 of this course is theoretical learning related to Introduction to the Web Environment, which is usually explained through presentation slides. This method is unattractive, lacks technology integration, and does not follow the latest trends, causing the teaching and learning (TnL) process to receive less interest and attention from students. This learning method also ignores the need for personalization in learning, causing isolation and preventing maximizing the potential of each student. Therefore, an application called Virtual Reality for Introduction to Web Design (VR-InToWeb) was developed using several digital applications, such as Powtoon and Canva, which were then displayed through the Artstep 3D platform. This application features learning material through 3D objects, animation, audio and video. The main objective of this application is to create interesting teaching and learning (TnL) tool and personalization by allowing students to choose learning topics at their own pace.


Method: This study employed a quantitative research approach, utilizing a questionnaire as the primary method for data collection. The questionnaire was distributed to 33 students through the use of a Google Form.


Results: In general, the results of the study indicate that all of respondents gave positive feedback. Based on the findings, it is found that the interpretation of mean scores for all positive statements were high and moderately high while the interpretation of mean score for negative statement was low.


Conclusions: In conclusion, based on the statements of the items in the questionnaire, the findings and data analysis at the same time proved that Virtual Gallery Walk (VR-InToWeb) is suitable to be used as teaching and learning (TnL) tool in Politeknik Balik Pulau.

How to Cite
Wan Hassim, W. H., Mohd Sabri, N., & Mat Rani, L. (2024). Student’s Perception of Virtual Gallery Walk (VR-InToWeb) in a Web Design Technology Course at Politeknik Balik Pulau. International Journal Of Technical Vocational And Engineering Technology, 5(1), 36-43. Retrieved from