Betel Leaf Bolus Mixed With Phenolic Compounds From Betel Leaf To Inhibit Candida Albicans

  • Nuttanun Akarapongsawad Montfort College
  • Amika Laplai
  • Aunchariya Sanjaibran
  • Romrawin Netngam
Keywords: Betel leaf, Phenolic, Candida albicans


The project on phenolic compounds from betel leaf to inhibit Candida albicans can be separated into two experimental. The first phase, experimented to consider the potential of phenolic compounds found in betel leaf to inhibit Candida albicans, with utilized Folin-Ciocalteu's reagent and a spectrophotometer to quantify the light absorption at 760 nanometers and a disk diffusion test to determine the extent of Candida albicans inhibition. The test was incubated at a temperature of 35–37 degrees Celsius for 48 and 72 hours while observing the area of inhibition (zone of exhibition) in the paper disc area and measuring the diameter of the inhibition area. During the second phase, the most effective phenolic extract from the first experiment was selected and blended with varying levels of honey (10, 12.5, and 15%). The investigated the physical properties of the bolus, including morphological attributes, water content, disintegration time, and weight variation. The amount of phenolic chemicals, 78.90 micrograms/ml, was determined in a phenolic extract from dried betel leaf with 95% ethanol by volume. It was the most effective in inhibiting Candida albicans, which measured a clear zone size of 24.5 millimeters in 48 hours. In the second phase, the most effective was selected based on its ability to inhibit Candida albicans, and the results showed that mixed with 10% honey, exhibits the best morphology, moisture content, disintegration time, and weight variation.

How to Cite
Akarapongsawad, N., Laplai, A., Sanjaibran, A., & Netngam, R. (2024). Betel Leaf Bolus Mixed With Phenolic Compounds From Betel Leaf To Inhibit Candida Albicans. International Journal Of Technical Vocational And Engineering Technology, 5(1), 212-217. Retrieved from