A Case Study of Psp's Lean Management: The eISO PSP Mobile Application

  • Mohd Hafiz Abdul Halim Politeknik Seberang Perai
  • Suzana Othman Politeknik Seberang Perai
  • Nur Wahida Janudin Politeknik Seberang Perai
Keywords: Mobile Applications, Lean Management of Quality Document Records, Perception of Ease of Use


The main challenge that Seberang Perai Polytechnic (PSP) is dealing with is the lack of an application for online quality document recording. Therefore, the case study leads to the implementation of the ADDIE model to plan the development of eISO PSP mobile applications (Gustafson & Branch, 2001) and further analyse savings, efficiency, and results by using Lean Management tools (JPPKK, 2012). This study also analysed the factors influencing the perception of the Ease of Use of eISO PSP according to the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). The main focus of this study is to determine the Perceived Ease of Use dimension as the study conducted by Venkatesh et al (2003). This study aims to determine a significant influence on the intention to actually use the eISO PSP mobile application. The 18 PSP staff who use the application represent the study's sample. Sampling using purposive sampling and data analysis using GNU software, PSPP. The data is interpreted based on percentage values, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the study show that the use of this application has minimized waste, increased efficiency, and achieved good results in the quality document record process. This study also shows that PSP staff have a significant high influence on the actual use intention of this application for all factors and significant effects on the actual use of this application.


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How to Cite
Abdul Halim, M. H., Othman, S., & Janudin, N. W. (2024). A Case Study of Psp’s Lean Management: The eISO PSP Mobile Application. International Journal Of Technical Vocational And Engineering Technology, 5(1), 102-111. Retrieved from https://journal.pktm.com.my/index.php/ijtvet/article/view/146