The Effectiveness Of Using Journey Map As A New Teaching And Learning Tools For Business Ethics

  • admin admin
  • Suzana Binti Baharudin
  • Raman Bin Ibrahim
Keywords: Politeknik Merlimau; the effectiveness; journey map; new teaching approach; business ethics


Engaging students in the learning process is a challenge for educators. As a results educators are now seeking for new methodologies to respond to the demand for personal education and knowledge acquisition. Journey map is one of a powerful teaching and learning technique which provides these educators with new methods that are suitable to be implemented at all educational levels in many institutions worldwide. A journey map design for this course is a visualization of a few journey that a student goes through in order to accomplish a learning outcomes. In its most basic form, journey map starts by compiling a series of student actions into a timeline. Next, the timeline is fleshed out with students thoughts and emotions in order to create a narrative. The objective of the research was to identify the impact of using journey map for business ethics course among semester four Diploma in Business Studies student at Politeknik Merlimau. A five point likert scale questionnaire was distributed to 31 respondents. The research focus on two aspect which are teaching aspect and student’s perception about journey map usage. The results of the study show that the average mean score analysis is 4.41. For teaching aspect mean score analysis was 4.43 followed by 4.38 for student’s perception about journey map usage. The results show that respondents have a positive perception and impact towards the lecturer implementation of journey map approach as teaching and learning tools. The using of journey map approach can help students to easily remember everything the lecturers teach, increase the motivation in learning process, easy to learn, attractive and entertaining. In addition students also agreed that by using journey map can help students to understand the content of business ethics course, enhanced creativity and collaborative learning, assisted to manage study time, achieved good result in examination and enjoyed using journey map for business ethics course. The highest mean score is 5.00 which element is journey map can easily remember everything the lecturer teach and followed by 4.90 for element easily understand the content of business ethic course. The results of this research are expected to serve as a guideline and motivator for lecturers to create and innovate existing teaching techniques and approach in order to have an interesting teaching and learning environment for student advantage. This is also in line with the goals of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (Higher Education) 2015-2025 to ensure that Malaysian youth develop holistically and have the necessary values, knowledge, and skills to succeed in an increasingly competitive and uncertain world


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How to Cite
admin, admin, Baharudin, S. B., & Bin Ibrahim, R. (2020). The Effectiveness Of Using Journey Map As A New Teaching And Learning Tools For Business Ethics. International Journal Of Technical Vocational And Engineering Technology, 2(1), 15-19. Retrieved from